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Quality 3.0

Google translate (help me with errors)

Quality is the best cost / benefit ratio, preserved ethical values.

The cost / benefit ratio is directly related to the Cognitive-Administrative Age that is lived at each time.

What was quality before the digital is no longer after it.

We can not understand quality as something fixed and determined, because the maximum quality we can achieve is directly linked to the technological frontiers that we have available.

What we understood by quality in Management (oral and written cognitive environment) we must begin to understand quality in Curatorial (with the arrival of Digital).

Quality in Management depended on the best possible performance of the manager who was responsible for the flow between the problem and the solution. Here organizations are responsible for products and services;
Curatorial quality depends on the best possible performance of a curator, who uses artificial intelligence capabilities, to create platforms that allow the best relationship between people who negotiate between the problem and the solution. Here organizations are no longer responsible for products and services, only for the Platform.
It is good to understand when we are talking about quality of information, education, health, the right that all the concepts we had were within the Techno-cognitive-administrative limits of the Oral and Written Age – that we call Management.

Today, we have new possibilities to solve the same problems with more quality, through the Curatorship, which allows a better cost-benefit ratio.

What we might call “quality management” gave what had to be done and became obsolete due to the increase in Demographic Complexity.

Today, we must analyze the quality in the Curatorship. And this does not fall from the sky, because there is a set of methodologies that includes training, appropriate people, technologies and processes that make it possible to generate quality in another completely different paradigm.

Fake news, for example, what people have called information in the “post-truth” is, in essence, a symptom of the intermediate moment that we live.

There are many activities that are in a 2.5 World. They left Management, but have not yet arrived in the Curatorial.

That is, there is a practice that:

It is not management, it needs Manager to ensure the quality of the information.
And it is not Curatorship, which needs Curator + artificial intelligence + mass participation to ensure the quality of information.
What reactive people are doing is the following.

As Curatorship is not self-evident and is not yet being implanted with all its potential, they collect problems (there are many) of what we can call a limbo between two Cognitive Eras to reinforce the idea of ​​the old concept of quality.

It is a reactive movement that hides the low quality of management by pointing out the flaws of what is still under construction, taking the first steps.

It is good to say: what killed quality in management was the demographic increase.

Now, the future is no longer crying over the terminally ill (Quality in Management), but run to the nursery to learn and create the new template (Quality in Curating).

Is that what you say?


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