My Gengibre´s Podcast:
The difference between data, information, knowledge and wisdom.
Text of Podcast:
There is a certain confusion between data, information, knowledge, and wisdom.
Data is like a raindrop.
You are walking and feel one, two, three drops.
This doesn’t mean it’s raining.
It could be an air conditioner dripping in a hot summer day.
When you look at the sky and notice the clouds, watch the first lightning and feel more drops, you integrate that set of data and obtain the information:
it’s going to rain!
Knowledge is when  you perceive that because of the rain your´re going to get wet and you can’t arrive at work all soaked.
Besides, you could catch a cold.
So, that’s knowledge.
Wisdom is what will you do with all this.
If you are going to walk around in despair and get all wet or preserve yourself under a marquee, waiting until the rain stops.
The harmony between data, information, knowledge, and wisdom is what we call the art of living.
This works for every person, group, company, or country.
That’s it. Thank you!
Translated by Jones de Freitas – Edited by Phil Stuart Cournoyer.
There is a certain confusion between data, information, knowledge, and wisdom.Data is like a raindrop.You are walking and feel one, two, three drops.This doesn’t mean it’s raining.It could be an air conditioner dripping in a hot summer day.When you look at the sky and notice the clouds, watch the first lightning and feel more drops, you integrate that set of data and obtain the information:it’s going to rain!Knowledge is when  you perceive the rain will wet you and you can’t arrive at work all soaked.Besides, you could catch a cold.So, that’s knowledge.Wisdom is what will you do with all this.If you are going to walk around in despair and get all wet or preserve yourself under a marquee, waiting until the rain stops.The harmony between data, information, knowledge, and wisdom is what we call the art of living.This works for every person, group, company, or country.That’s it. Thank you!