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Category Archive for 'Nepôsts in English!'

“We are not in an epoch of change, but in a change of epochs.” – Chris Anderson * (* This is a free retranslation from Portuguese of Anderson’s quote. Unfortunately, we could not locate the original sentence in English on the Internet. If you find it, please send it to us.) There is a lot […]

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“This ongoing social effort to correct errors our subjectivity leads us into is what I call objectification – Brookes” Is everything information? Is an ox grazing in the field information? It is in part – almost. It might or might not be part of the process. An ox grazing in the field is the “real […]

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We only know what we can measure; all scientific knowledge we have about the natural world depends on our observation instruments – Marcelo Gleiser – from my phrase collection in Portuguese Whoever wants to study the planets must have a telescope; the cells, a microscope. Indeed, the more potent, the better. What about society? The […]

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Fate only provokes the incident; it’s up to us to determine the quality of its effects – Montaigne – from my phrase collection in Portuguese. We are cultural beings. What makes us different from animals is our capacity to transform the world to make it habitable, taking into account our limitations. Unlike animals that live […]

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The show must go on

A really revolutionary truth is not an illusion; we have to see things as they are – Ferreira Gullar – from my phrase collection in Portuguese. (In this podcast text translation, reflections on population, new demands, and the need for innovation, as ways of understanding the emergence of the Internet.) We are seven billion people […]

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Fate only provokes the incident; it’s up to us to determine the quality of its effects – Montaigne – from my phrase collection in Portuguese. Continuing the reflection I started here, I developed and provided more details for last week’s podcast. See, below, the discussion on the concept of the Internet as a social oxygenation media. […]

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Companies should respond to online attacks with the truth – Barry Libert and Rick Faulk – from my phrase collection in Portuguese As we know them today, companies are the result of a long process initiated with the Industrial Revolution, after the arrival of the printed book, which created an environment for information exchange highly […]

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We shouldn’t have illusions – the Internet didn’t come to save the world. José Saramago, from my phrase collection in Portuguese. (Well, I’ll continue to talk a bit more about ideas going through my mind after the RioInfo debate.) Here are some theoretical premises for reflection on the role of the Internet in the world. […]

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I understand projects 2.0 as looking at the ground without letting the sky out of sight – Rômulo Rocha, an employee who participated in the Wikishop to discuss the project 2.0 in Dataprev – from my phrase collection in Portuguese. (This article in Portuguese.) As I wrote in this blog, there are two collaborative trends […]

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According to Google Scholar, “Motivation and Personality,” by AH Maslow, 1970, Harper & Row, is a book often quoted by researchers working in many areas. The author created a simple pyramid to describe human needs. A good translation and definition of this pyramid can be found in the paper “FATORES MOTIVACIONAIS DA COMUNIDADE CIENTÍFICA PARA […]

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I’ve been exchanging Tweets with Pierre Lévy. He mentioned that he would come to Brazil in August. I asked him for an interview by e-mail, because I was curious about his current work. Generously, he sent me his e-mail address and the interview was done. Here is the result: (A versão em português pode ser […]

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We have always organized ourselves in networks. We’ve always needed knowledge and information for our survival. Thus, I don’t think it’s accurate to state that we are the first knowledge, information or networked society. According to this view, humanity would not have a history. A new society in which some things that hadn’t been seen […]

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In 2007, when I gave my talk on Web 2.0  in São Paulo, Brazil, we took along a young woman in full beekeeper gear to provoke the audience. The woman circulated among the audience. Nobody was quite sure how beekeeping rhymed with cutting-edge technology. When Marcos Cavalcanti and I launched our book, “Conhecimento em Rede,” […]

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My Gengibre´s Podcast: The difference between data, information, knowledge and wisdom. Text of Podcast: There is a certain confusion between data, information, knowledge, and wisdom. Data is like a raindrop. You are walking and feel one, two, three drops. This doesn’t mean it’s raining. It could be an air conditioner dripping in a hot summer […]

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If a man does not know to what port he is steering, no wind is favorable to him (Seneca). We are living through an unprecedented event in human history: in just one generation we have passed through three knowledge platforms: from a digital platform (1950-1990) to networks (1995-2004), and, from the latter, to collaborative networks […]

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Collaborative capitalism

Hardly anything could be more against common sense than the recent dismissal of  4,000 Embraer employees. Embraer is clearly part of the Brazil of knowledge, cutting-edge technology. Surely its employees have quite often heard the notion that “we need to share knowledge.” But, when push comes to shove, when it hits rock bottom, the shareholder’s […]

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Is there any interest in following the evolution of the Sugar Loaf or Corcovado? They are unmoving mountains, which evolve very slowly, and were formed millions of years ago. There are no “mountainlogists”? Why? There is no need for them. A volcano is a horse of a different color. And they kill people. It’s logical […]

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My blog, my shop…

This post in Portuguese? Does it take much work to have a blog? – asks a friend If you take it seriously, yes, quite a bit of work. It’s a huge collection of links, texts, photos, and ideas to be stored. You end up finding a missing accent here, a mistake there. I’ve reread the […]

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