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Everyone needs to blame someone for the contemporary crises.

My finger points to the language, Or the package of languages ​​we have used, up to here: gestures, orality and writing.

We have to learn from McLuhan, the Darwin of the Modern Age, that the media change and mark the human ages. And following the teacher’s line and adding new ideas, I would say:

The media change to enable new ways of solving problems;
And such evolutions / revolutions are necessary, for our species grows indefinitely.
The epicenter of the media is languages.

This leads us to say that languages ​​with time become obsolete because they need to be sophisticated, changed or replaced to deal with more complexity.

We have, then, an interesting paradox:

The more people in the world, the more demand horizontality (which implies diversity of decisions) and speed;
The horizontality, however, with the current languages, takes time to decide.
And that is precisely why languages ​​become obsolete, because there is a different rhythm between the ability to decide with more people and the speed of decisions.

Decisions are becoming more and more vertical, less diverse, more charged with the interests of a certain center, because the language on duty has already given what had to give.

Language is the basis of communication and that of administration.

Let’s put a ground wire to make it more understandable.

There is no point in a participatory budgeting project such as the Workers’ Party (PT) suggested in many Brazilian cities as soon as they began to take over town halls. Orality requires time for face-to-face meetings, closure of ideas, processing, return to decide.

Thus, participation in oral-written decisions (the basis of the current management model) has a high cost and a time-consuming time, which makes it impossible to participate, not to mention the vices that the process ends up having.

The third language of clicks that allows a lot more people to participate in decisions quickly, (as seen in Waze, Airbnb, Uber, Mercado Livre) allows you to overcome the horizontality barrier with speed.

More people participating, without the loss of time and the cost that this demanded in the past.

What we have today, then, is the crisis of the second human language, the gestures, orality and writing package, which can no longer be viable in a world so complex: decisions in this model are either very vertical or very time consuming when trying to horizontalise.

Therefore, we are implementing the third language of clicks, which can get us out of this impasse.

The third language enables a new model of communication-administration, allows for a Civilizational Revolution, and opens the door to Civilization 3.0, in which we can overcome the current crisis of speed versus horizontality.

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